Annual Freshwater Quality Report: Wellington Region

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  • Published Date Wed 01 Aug 2001
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These reports summarise the results of the Baseline Water Quality
Monitoring Programmes for the rivers and streams of the Wellington
Region. The Wellington Regional Council monitors water quality at 50 river
sites, 15 of which are monitored in the Wairarapa. Water samples are
analysed for various chemistry and microbiology variables on a monthly
basis while macroinvertebrate communities are sampled during summer
low flows at 42 sites.

The purpose of these reports is to summarise water quality data collated
from rivers and streams in the region, to report on the state of the
environment and to provide information for reviewing the Regional
Freshwater Plan. Sites are compared with each other across the Region
(spatial trends), and over time (temporal trends). Compliance of sites with
guidelines specified in the Regional Freshwater Plan are also

Reports are available for each of the following years:
2000/01 (WRC/RINV-G-01/34)
1999/00 (WRC/RINV-T-01/03)
1998/99 (WRC/RINV-G-99/20)
1997/98 (WRC/RINV-G-98/15)
1996/97 (WRC/RINV-T-97/43)

Reports prior to these dates are also available under the title: Baseline
Water Quality of Rivers and Streams in the Western Wellington Region.
Updated December 7, 2022 at 12:54 AM