Our Harbour - Our Strait : Marine Biodiversity, The Wellington Harbour Case Study

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  • Published Date Sat 01 Jun 2002
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This study is about promoting a healthy and diverse Wellington Harbour.
This will be achieved through three work themes:

• Collaborative management and coordination – This case study adopts a
coordinated approach to marine management through involvement of
multiple agencies. This coordination is essential if we are to work for a
healthy Wellington Harbour.

• Community involvement – Developing innovative ways to actively engage
and involve the Wellington community in protecting the region’s marine

• Information and knowledge – There is a body of knowledge about the
marine environment held by scientists, recreationalists and residents,
which has not been captured in a form that can be shared and applied.
This knowledge, together with traditional Maori knowledge, will help fill key
gaps in the current knowledge base for the Wellington Harbour.

The initial study will run to June 2004.
Updated December 7, 2022 at 12:00 AM