Resource Management Charging Policy

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Resource Management Charging Policy preview
  • Published Date Sun 01 Jul 2001
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This document describes the charges the Wellington Regional Council
requires for a range of resource management services.

It contains charges for applying for a resource consent and annual
consent supervision and monitoring charges. Application charges for
changing a regional plan or the Regional Policy Statement are also in this

All of the charges in the Policy are made under section 36 of the Resource
Management Act 1991 (the Act). These charges are also consistent with
the Local Government Amendment Act No. 3 1996 and the WRC Funding
Policy as adopted on 15 June 2001. The Wellington Regional Council’s
Funding Policy provides the basis for this Resource Management
Charging Policy.

The Act has brought many changes to the philosophy and practice of
resource management. One of these is an emphasis on the beneficiary
pays principle; those who benefit from the use of natural and physical
resources are now expected to pay the full costs of that use.

Updated December 7, 2022 at 2:00 AM