Proposed Regional Road Safety Strategy 2002/2007

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  • Published Date Thu 01 Aug 2002
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The Proposed Road Safety Strategy 2010 recognises the significance of
the cost impacts on the community and New Zealand as a whole. It
outlines a planning process designed to facilitate the collective and
individual targeting of road safety resources, and requires those
organisations with road safety responsibilities to clearly identify the areas
to which they can contribute and to develop their own regional road safety

The proposed Road Safety Strategy 2010 encourages the regional
council, in conjunction with the Land Transport Safety Authority, the New
Zealand Police Wellington Metro District and the Wellington region road
safety co-ordinating group, to participate in a planning process aimed at
improving regional road safety.

The Wellington Region Road Safety Strategy aims to improve the regional
road safety level and is a product of this planning process. It also supports
the Wellington Regional Land Transport Strategy by providing more
detailed and focused road safety planning direction.

The three main goals of the Regional Road Safety Strategy 2002/2007 are:
• To achieve or better the regional targets (see performance measures in
the road safety priorities in the following sections) set for road crash
reduction and road
user behaviour.
• To foster and support the development of an improved safety culture
which creates safer attitudes, skills and behaviour amongst road users.
• To promote and develop a safe roading environment which will improve
the public health and safety.
Updated December 7, 2022 at 10:24 AM