Ko ahau te taiao, ko te taiao, ko ahau – I am the environment, and the environment is me. 

We share a vision with our mana whenua partners of healthy ecosystems and improved community wellbeing. We’re working together to make this happen through the Kāpiti Community Environment Fund. The fund supports community groups to restore, maintain and protect native ecosystems.  

This funding is available for projects that fall within the area managed by the Kāpiti Coast District Council.  

We want to help you to improve local ecosystems, waterways and the harbour, and involve the wider community in this important mahi. If you have a project in this area that fits the bill, apply to our fund for a grant.  

Greater Wellington and our mana whenua partners value manaakitanga. This is the process of showing respect, generosity, and care for others. We expect applicants to demonstrate this key value in all aspects of their mahi. 

Key dates

Applications open – 9am Tuesday 1 April 2025

Applications close – 5pm Sunday 11 May 2025

Successful applications announced in July 2025

Who can apply? 

Volunteer community groups and rōpū kaitiaki can apply for funding to support environmental projects that are: 

  • Located within the Kāpiti area (shown in the map below)  
  • On public land, for example: council reserves, Department of Conservation land and some stream margins, or land communally owned by mana whenua  
  • For groups who uphold manaakitanga.   
Map of the Kāpiti Coast

What can funding be used for?

Groups can apply for up to $10,000 each year for up to three years to fund: 

  • Native plants, plant protectors and fertiliser 
  • Materials to grow your own native plants 
  • Tools 
  • Pest plant control 
  • Pest animal control 
  • Refreshments for working bees. 

This fund is not for paying salaries or wages of people involved in the project. 

What would a successful application look like?

Priority will be given to projects that will: 

  • Align with the aspirations of our mana whenua partners. 
  • Enhance the health of local ecosystems including native plants and animals in this area (for example, providing habitats for key species). 
  • Reduce threats to ecosystems. This could include planting to stop sediment washing into streams or managing pest plants and animals. 
  • Involve the wider community in the project and raise environmental awareness (for example, involving other community groups and schools). 
  • Be achievable and have a plan to maintain the project once completed. 
  • Support te taiao (the natural world) to be more resilient in the face of climate change  
  • Plan to cope with any changing conditions resulting from climate change that might impact the project. 

How to apply

Fill out the application document and email it to Community.Environment.Fund@gw.govt.nz .

Download the application form (DOCX 84 KB)

We will judge applications on the quality of the project, rather than on how well you fill in the application form. You don’t need to include a lot of information.  

You will also get an opportunity to tell us about your project kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face). There will be a site visit with everyone who applies that meets the fund criteria.    

If your application is successful, you may need to complete a short restoration plan (we’ll send you some details) before receiving funds.  

Each year you will need to provide a brief annual report (we have a template for you to fill in) and we may also organise a site visit with you so you can show us how the allocated funds were spent and what was achieved.  

Help to plan your project

Contact us if you need advice on your project, such as the best plant species for your site or how to control pest plants and animals.

Get in touch

For more information, or to discuss your application, email us at Community.Environment.Fund@gw.govt.nz.

Greater Wellington contact centre: 0800 496 734. 

Updated March 27, 2025 at 12:17 PM

Get in touch

0800 496 734