Committee meeting details

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  • Date 10:00AM Monday 2nd April 2007
  • Location Wellington
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Co-ordinating Executive Group (CEG)

Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:25 PM


1. Apologies

2. Confirmation of Minutes of last Meeting - 2 October 2006

3. `Exercise Capital Quake 06'

4. Exercise Cruickshank

5. CDEM Group work programme progress report

6. Representative on Working Group for the Development of a National Public Tsunami Alerting System

7. Priority Utility Sites for Response and Recovery

8. CDEM Conference 2007

9. Update on CDEM Group public education initiatives

10. Combined Hutt Valley Civil Defence and Rural Fire

11. Report on `Exercise Back Blast' - Paul Nickalls

12. EOC Volunteer Training - Roger Blakeley

Other Matters

1. Items for CDEM Group Meeting on 4 May 2007

2. General business

3. Next meeting Monday, 1 October 2007 at 10.00am Porirua City Council

End of record