Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Wednesday 6th April 2016
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 5:03 PM

Public Business

1. Policy on the appointment of non-elected members to committees, subcommittees and advisory groups

2. Exclusion of the public

3. Report on the Sustainable Transport Committee meeting 31 March 2016

4. Report on the Environment Committee meeting, 30 March 2016

5. Report to Council on the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee meeting 22 March 2016

6. Report on the Regional Transport Committee meeting, 22 March 2016

7. Report on the Finance, Risk and Assurance Committee meeting, 10 March 2016

8. Local Government Funding Agency's (LGFA) Draft Statement of Intent 2016/17

9. WRC Holdings Group 2016/17 draft Statement of Intent

10. 2016 Local Government New Zealand national conference and Annual General Meeting

11. Whaitua Committees - Review of Remuneration

12. Apologies

13. Appointment of Directors to WRC Holdings Ltd

14. Extraordinary vacancy

15. GWRC Submission on "Next steps for freshwater" consultation document

16. Minor amendments to retain currency of the Parks Network Plan

17. Review of Greater Wellington Parks, Forests and Reserves Bylaws 2009

18. Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015: SH2 Carterton to Masterton Safety Improvements

19. Confirmation of the Public minutes of 24 February 2016 and 29 February 2016, and the Restricted Public Excluded minutes of 24 February 2016

20. Public participation

21. Declarations of conflict of interest

Public Excluded Business

1. Confirmation of the Public Excluded minutes of 24 February 2016

2. Property Transactions - Otaki

3. Appointment to the Environment Committee

Restricted Public Excluded Business

1. Confirmation of the Restricted Public Excluded minutes of 29 February 2016

End of record