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  • Date 9:00AM Monday 17th July 2023 - 4:00PM Thursday 31st August 2023
  • Location 34 Chapel Street, Masterton 5810
  • Duration Daily, through business hours, all through July and August
  • Cost Free

Learn more about how we listen to the land at our interactive exhibition, which is currently located in our Masterton office.

IMG 1917

Our precious whenua has its own unique voice.  When we get closer, we can hear it. It speaks to all of us.  Come, have a listen…

We listen to the farmland

Meet Taylor, a farmer talking about riparian planting and protecting waterways.

We listen to the rivers

Hear about how we’re helping protect our region from its biggest natural hazard.

We listen to the streams

Listen to how we’re taking care of inanga, or whitebait, in the Waitohu Stream – just north of Ōtaki.

We listen to the forests

If you’re very quiet…and very lucky…you might hear the call of the matuku, the Australasian Bittern.

From native forests, to farms, from fresh water to flood risks, biodiversity and beyond.  We listen to the land closely, keenly, and provide what’s needed to protect our region’s precious taiao (environment).  If we don’t listen, we’ll lose what we have and what might be. Whakarongo Tātou ki te Whenua.

Learn more about Listen to the land

Updated July 13, 2023 at 12:15 PM