Change 1 Provision |
8.1 Objectives |
9.1 Objectives |
Amendments to Chapter 3 - Objectives |
Coastal water management units |
Environmental outcomes |
General comments - target attribute states |
Harbour arm catchments |
Limit |
Map 78: Part freshwater management units and target attribute state sites (rivers) – Te Awarua-o-Porirua. |
Map 79: Part freshwater management units and target attribute state sites (rivers) – Te Whanganui-a-Tara. |
Map 80: Part freshwater management units and target attribute state sites (lakes) – Te Whanganui-a-Tara. |
Map 82: Coastal water management units – Te Awarua-o-Porirua. |
Map 83: Coastal water management units – Te Whanganui-a-Tara. |
Map 84: Harbour arm catchments – Te Awarua-o-Porirua. |
Map 85: Primary contact sites – Te Whanganui-a-Tara. |
Objective O17 |
Objective O18: Rivers, lakes, natural wetlands and coastal water are suitable for contact recreation and Māori customary use. |
Objective O19: Biodiversity, aquatic ecosystem health and mahinga kai in fresh water bodies and the coastal marine area are safeguarded. |
Objective O2 |
Objective O20 |
Objective O25: Outstanding water bodies identified in Schedule A (outstanding water bodies) and their significant values are protected and restored. |
Objective O28: Ecosystems and habitats with significant indigenous biodiversity values are protected from the adverse effects of use and development, and where appropriate restored to a healthy functioning state including as defined by Tables 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. |
Objective O34 |
Objective O35 |
Objective O36 |
Objective O37 |
Objective O38 |
Objective O5 |
Objective O6 |
Objective P.O1: The health of Te Awarua-o-Porirua’s groundwater, rivers, lakes, natural wetlands, estuaries, harbours and coastal marine area is progressively improved and is wai ora by 2100. |
Objective P.O2: Te Awarua-o-Porirua’s groundwater, rivers, lakes and natural wetlands, and their margins are on a trajectory of measurable improvement towards wai ora. |
Objective P.O3: The health and wellbeing of coastal water quality, ecosystems and habitats in Pāuatahanui Inlet, Onepoto Arm and the open coastal areas of Te Awarua-o-Porirua is maintained or improved to achieve the coastal water objectives set out in Table 9.1. |
Objective P.O5: Groundwater flows and levels, and water quality, are maintained. |
Objective P.O6: Water quality, habitats, water quantity and ecological processes of rivers are maintained or improved. |
Objective WH.O1: The health of all freshwater bodies and the coastal marine area within Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara is progressively improved and is wai ora by 2100. |
Objective WH.O2: The health and wellbeing of Te Whanganui-a-Tara’s groundwater, rivers and natural wetlands and their margins are on a trajectory of measurable improvement towards wai ora. |
Objective WH.O3: The health and wellbeing of coastal water quality, ecosystems and habitats in Te Whanganui-a-Tara is maintained or improved to achieve the coastal water objectives set out in Table 8.1. |
Objective WH.O5: By 2040 the health and wellbeing of the Parangarahu Lakes and associated natural wetlands are on a trajectory of improvement towards wai ora. |
Objective WH.O6: Groundwater flows and levels, and water quality, are maintained. |
Objective WH.O7: The physical integrity of aquitards is protected so that confined aquifer pressures are maintained. |
Objective WH.O8: Primary contact sites within Te Awa Kairangi/Hutt River, Pākuratahi River, Akatarawa River and Wainuiomata River are suitable for primary contact. |
Objective WH.O9: Water quality, habitats, water quantity and ecological processes of rivers are maintained or improved. |
Part Freshwater Management Unit |
Primary contact sites |
Table 3.1 Primary contact recreation and Māori customary use objectives in freshwater bodies. |
Table 3.2 Secondary contact and Māori customary use recreation objectives in freshwater bodies. |
Table 3.3 Contact recreation and Māori customary use objectives in coastal water. |
Table 3.4 Rivers and Streams. |
Table 3.5 Lakes. |
Table 3.6 Groundwater. |
Table 3.7 Natural wetlands. |
Table 3.8 Coastal waters. |
Table 8.1 Coastal water objectives. |
Table 8.2 Target attribute states for lakes. |
Table 8.3 Primary contact site objectives in rivers. |
Table 8.4: Target attribute states for rivers. |
Table 9.1: Coastal water objectives. |
Table 9.2: Target attribute states for rivers. |
Whaitua |