Natural Resource Plan Change 1 - Consultation/Submission Stage
- The Consultation/Submission stage for Proposed Change 1 to The Natural Plan closed on Friday 8 March 2024
- Further Submission on PC1 closed in April 2024
- PC1 hearings began with Hearing Stream 1 in November 2024. For more information on hearing streams please see our hearings page
Submission Summary:
A Summary of Decisions Requested
Under Schedule 1 (Part 1, Clause 8) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), we are required to provide a summary document of submissions received on a proposed plan. This summary is referred to as the ‘Summary of Decisions Requested’ document. This summary document collates all our submitters’ submission points into one uniform table. Each submitter and subsequent submission points are allocated a unique reference number. Shown in the first column of our summary tables, these reference numbers assist when making further submissions, and also help our hearing panels when they read your submission.
There are two versions of the ‘Summary of Decisions Requested’ document. Both contain the same data in different formats:
- NRP PC 1 - Summary of Decisions Requested – By Submitter (PDF 16 MB)
- NRP PC 1 - Summary of Decisions Requested – By Provision (PDF 14 MB)
Hard copies are also available to view at the reception of our Cuba St and Masterton offices.
If you provided a submission on the Proposed Change 1:
Please review the above Summary of Decisions Requested document(s). We want to be sure we have accurately summarised your intent in the submission points provided. Please note: These are summary documents, they are created to assist the Proposed Change process. The ‘Reasons’ have been summarised to main intents only, and the focus remains on the ‘Decisions sought’.
If you feel that we have incorrectly summarised your submission point(s), please email identifying these, and illustrate how they should be corrected.
Submissions Database:
The submissions database holds all the submissions received on the Proposed Natural Resources Plan Change 1
Further Submissions
What is a further submission?
The scope of a further submission is narrower than the first round of submissions. A further submission is a submission made in support of, or opposition to, another person or party’s submission point made in the first round of submissions.
Further submissions must be limited to those matters raised in submissions. It provides an opportunity to assess the effect an original submission may have, and to have your views considered by the Council alongside the original submission.
Who can make a further submission?
A further submission may only be made on the Proposed Natural Resource Plan Change 1 by a person who:
- Represents a relevant aspect of the public interest (you should specify the grounds for saying that you come within this category); or
- Has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public's (you should specify the grounds for saying that you come within this category); or,
- The local authority itself.
How do I make a further submission?
- Firstly, please review the Summary of Decisions Requested documents above to get an understanding on which original submissions you want to provide a further submission on.
- Then use one of the below further submission methods:
- You can use the online submission portal; or
- You can use the Further Submission Form(s) (Form 6).
- Further Submission Form(s) (Form 6) – Microsoft Word version ; (DOCX 209 KB) or
- Further Submission Form(s) (Form 6) – Microsoft Excel version (XLSX 1.5 MB) .
Please send the Further Submission Form in by one of the below methods:
- Email it to the
- Post it to: PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142, ATT: Hearings Advisor.
- Drop it off at reception at one of our offices, marked ATT: Hearings Advisor.
(You can request hard copies of Form 6 at reception in our Cuba St and Masterton offices).
Due to delays in postal services and the timeframe for making Further Submissions, we highly recommend that an electronic copy of your Further Submission is provided by the closing date.
- A further submission must also be served on the original submitter, and further details on this can be found in the “Further Submission requirements” section below.
- Further submissions need to be sent in no later than 5:00pm Friday 8 March 2024.
For more information regarding this process and your privacy please view our Information Statement (PDF 253 KB) .
What happens next?
- All submissions and further submissions received will be accessible on this website page.
- If a person making a submission or further submission asks to be heard in support of their submission, a hearing must be held.
- At the hearing of submissions, you will have an opportunity to speak in support of your submission.
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800 496 734
- Email: